Thursday, 6 June 2013

I have been mainly using Heroku for hosting recently. For some reason it seems that a lot of my recent projects have required an image gallery, file uploads or some combination of the two. I have usually used a combination of Carrierwave and Fog for things like that in the past, but it does not work very well on Heroku as it has a 30 second timeout, so if you need to upload large files or process images once you have uploaded them (e.g. Carrierwave versions) then it will time out more often than not.

To get over this problem I have been experimenting with, and up to this point I am favourably impressed. Initially I was a bit concerned about having to use a address for images, but the application uses S3 for storage so it is possible to get round that by specifying your own file path and filename in the storage options, then using CloudFront to serve up those images to your page.

The service also allows for conversion, which is done via a request to their services, so it is possible to create and store a number of different versions if, for example, you need a thumbnail, a carousel image and a large image.

No problems thus far, and the team seems very responsive. I have had a couple of support questions to which the CEO responded personally and very quickly.

My major concern with relying on a service like this is that it may eventually be "acquihired", and that all the effort we put into developing for it will be wasted, but, to be honest, the service is so easy to use that I am not very concerned about the effort involved.

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